Saturday 21st

A hot day on RSPB Worth saw lots of Odonata activity. At least 35 Migrant Hawkers and 70 Common Darters were seen.

Thursday 19th

A late-ish Ruddy Darter was in the Dragonfly Pond fields.

Tuesday 17th

Two Willow Emerald Damselflies were in the Observatory carpark.

Thursday 13th

Five Willow Emerald Damselflies, 28 Migrant Hawkers, and five Common Darters were on RSPB Worth marshes.

Common Darter by S.Reynaert

Thursday 12th

Seven Willow Emerald Damselflies and a few Common Darters were on the Green Wall.

Tuesday 3rd

At least one SCARCE BLUE-TAILED DAMSELFLY was seen today, but the strengthening wind made it very difficult.