There are many ways you can help SBBOT, including by making donations...
For more than seventy years, the Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust has been pivotal in protecting and developing an area of outstanding importance for birds and other wildlife here on the Kent coast.
Most of this work, including the construction and maintenance of a purpose-built field centre, has been financed by donations, legacies, grants, and by the relentless fund-raising enthusiasm of volunteers.
With environmental and climatic challenges looming, there is so much more work to be done to protect and develop our natural resources for the future. For example, we hope to enhance our wetland habitats, create more wildflower grassland, and improve our provision of disabled-friendly hides.
As a registered charity we have to raise money to cover our expenditure every year, so we are very pleased to receive donations big and small. There are a number of ways you can help...
Donate to SBBOT with JustGiving
If you wish to make a donation, you can also email our Treasurer or call into the Field Centre to pick up a form. Alternatively, you can pay directly into our bank account at Virgin Bank:
Bank Code: 82-11-07 |
Account Number: 10262047 |
Are you a taxpayer? If so, every £1 you donate could be worth £1.25 to us, increasing the income for S.B.B.O.T at no cost to yourself. Gift Aid forms are available at the Field Centre.
Some of our members make monthly donations to our funds. This is a relatively painless way to donate to us, as you may hardly notice the sum leaving your bank account each month. Such donations are, of course, greatly appreciated.
The reference -
Surname Initial: e.g. Bloggs M Don
The bank account for the receipt is -
Account Name: Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust
Sort Code: 82-11-07
Account Number: 30347182
Take up the opportunity to donate (small) parcels of shares to SBBOT
ShareGift specialises in releasing value from small shareholdings, generating a significant stream of funding for thousands of charities.
Many of us have small holdings of shares, but the cost of selling is significant.
SBBOT has already benefitted from this scheme and welcomes donations. Full details are available at
Another way to help is by adding SBBOT as the recipient of funds when you buy online:
Easyfundraising is partnered with many well-known stores and outlets. Ordering online through Easyfundraising enables you to give a proportion of your purchase price to SBBOT. We have already raised over £1000 with this scheme.
Simply go to
You can even donate by simply sending a text:
When you shop at CJ Wildlife using this button SBBO receives a percentage of the sales ☝️