For help with abandoned or injured birds please contact:

Wildlife Careline (Beryl Goodall) 07801248850

CLICK HERE to read guidelines from Rare Bird Alert about photographing birds.
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British Birding Websites:

Grants from the BB Charitable Trust are usually available annually, especially for young birders to further their experience. CLICK HERE to find out more.

Further grants are available giving young people an opportunity to visit one of the UK's accredited bird observatories and get involved with fieldwork and other observatory activities. CLICK HERE for more details.

Organisations Observatories  

Bird Observatories Council

Bird Wise East Kent

British Ornithologists Union

British Trust for Ornithology

Groupe ornithologique et naturaliste du Nord – Pas-de-Calais

Kent Ornithological Society

Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux

Parc Opale

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds


Cape Clear



Fair Isle

Filey Brigg



Isle of May


North Ronaldsay


Skokholm & Skomer




Local Links:

Nature Others

Kent Butterfly Conservation

Kent moth group

Kent Field Club

Kent Reptiles and Amphibians Group

Kent Wildlife Trust

Montefiore Woodland

Thanet RSPB

Whitstable Natural History Society

Galleon Cruises, Ramsgate

Kent and Medway Biological Records Centre

Kent Biological Action Plan

Sandwich Bird Tours

Walking in Kent

Jacobi Jayne - for bird seed and other supplies

Grove Ferry River Trips

Walmer Village Council

British - General Links:

Nature Others

Bat Conservation Trust

English Nature

National Biodiversity Network (NBN)

The Wildlife Trust

MSc Environmental Conservation at University of Greenwich


Other Links:

Wild Explorers Nature Series

These short films were produced by Countrywide Productions working in partnership with the Observatory for use in primary schools in Kent where they have been well-received. Teachers' notes to accompany the films are also available. It is hoped that further similar films will be produced over the next year or so, if sources of funding can be found.

Countrywide Productions Facebook Page

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