By car from Sandwich, follow signs to Golf Courses, continue on into Sandwich Bay Estate & turn right after ¼ mile by the SBBOT sign. If you are travelling by train you would need to walk the 3.7k (2.3m) from the station down Delfside turning right into St Georges Road. Follow its full length until the junction with Sandown Road and turn right again. Follow this road until it forks and take Guilford Road over the bridge over a tributary of the Stour, through the toll and on to SBBO.
There is a small fee of £1 at the Tollgate for non-members visiting the Observatory.
Members of Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust receive a toll pass which can be traded for a car window screen sticker at the Toll Gate for free access to the Bird Observatory.
(Please note: passes give access to the Field Centre only. It does not allow the holder to drive through the Estate, to the Estate Beach or between Sandwich and Deal).
From Deal follow Beach Street (A258) to the Marina which, where it turns left becomes Godwyn Road. From there turn right into Golf Road... this takes you right past Restharrow Scrape and without deviating from that course a short time later there is a toll booth and the road becomes Guilford Road where SBBO is signposted on the left.