SBBOT has a long history of talks, lectures and courses offered to the public on anything and everything linked to nature and our enjoyment of it. See, for example, our Thursday talks, as well as the programmes below available through zoom.

Wednesday Evening Zoom Courses

Our next course will run in Autumn 2024

We are delighted that John Buckingham will be continuing his fascinating and very popular programme of Wednesday evening Zoom Courses. His subject this autumn/winter will be ‘THE LIFE OF BIRDS and HOW THEY WORK’. This is a great opportunity to learn more about birds, including not just how to identify them, but understand something of their behaviour, anatomy, feeding, annual cycle, migration, populations, names and status. All will be illustrated with John’s top quality images and course material.


Bookings are to be made through Ticket Tailor click below

If you can not watch live, recordings will be sent to all participants who have purchased a ticket a few days after each session (as long as there are no technical issues).


Broaden your knowledge of the natural world with SBBOT's friendly and knowledgeable team.

The Sandwich Bay area bears the following national and international nature conservation designations: SSSI, SAC, SPA and RAMSAR.

The Bird Observatory is the perfect place to get up close and personal to the area's fauna and flora, whilst also offering comfortable accommodation.

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