Over 1,000 species of moth have been recorded at Sandwich Bay! A truly incredible diversity due to the unique location and habitat of the area. We have a number of rare species as well as some very interesting migrant individuals. The attachment below gives a complete list of all of the species recorded with additional information about each species (updated to 2021).

Moth List 2021 (click to view)

Below is a small selection of photographs taken of moths at the bay.

Brimstone by Ian Hodgson
Brimstone by Ian Hodgson



Cream-spot Tiger by Ian Hodgson
Cream-spot Tiger by Ian Hodgson
Blood-vein by Ian Hodgson
Blood-vein by Ian Hodgson







Scorched Carpet by Ian Hodgson
Scorched Carpet by Ian Hodgson
Merveille du Jour by Ian Hodgson
Merveille du Jour by Ian Hodgson
Oleander Hawkmoth by Ian Hodgson
Oleander Hawkmoth by Ian Hodgson
Pebble Prominent by Ian Hodgson
Pebble Prominent by Ian Hodgson






















Puss Moth Caterpillar by Graham crick
Puss Moth Caterpillar by Graham Crick



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