Birds: January

Thursday 22nd A Water Rail was walking along the path between the hides at Restharrow Scrape, which was about the best before Storm Eowyn came through. Don’t forget tonight’s presentation will be John Draper talking about Local Nature Photography. He will be focusing on how to use light, his experience of having photos critiqued, and what it taught him to…

Birds: December

Sunday 29th Four Black-tailed Godwits were new in on RSPB Worth marshes with two Egyptian Geese, three Marsh Harriers, a Great White Egret, and a Raven also seen. Saturday 28th Most people were either still full of Christmas turkey or out looking at Yellow Warbler/Scops Owl, but a Black-throated Diver was noted offshore. Thursday 26th Four Barnacle Geese were on…

Birds: November

Friday 29th A Caspian Gull was amongst the throng of gulls on RSPB Worth Marshes. Thursday 28th Brighter conditions today. There was a build-up of Great Crested Grebes and Cormorants offshore, with at least 168 of the latter gathering on the Point at high tide. On RSPB Worth Marshes, a Water Pipit and two Great White Egrets were present, whilst…

Birds: October 2024

Thursday 31st The last day of the month saw another good variety of birds on offer. Two Hawfinches flew north over the Haven, two Coal Tits were mobile around the Estate, 250 Brent Geese went south offshore, and a Jack Snipe was on Restharrow Scrape. Just inland from the Observatory there was a small group of Yellowhammers around the hay…

Birds: September 2024

Monday 30th The early onslaught of wind and rain gave way somewhat around midday. Three Balearic Shearwaters were seen flying south with three Arctic Skuas, one Great Skua, one Little Gull, and one Arctic Tern also of note. There was an increase in winter wildfowl in Pegwell Bay. Sunday 29th Thank you to all who attended the Big Kent Bird…

Birds: August 2024

Friday 30th The Estate held a Pied Flycatcher, a mobile Greenshank, nine Whinchats, six Yellow Wagtails, and 50 Linnets. Over in Pegwell Bay there were good numbers including 110 Ringed Plovers, 60 Dunlins, and a Curlew Sandpiper and inland on RSPB Worth marshes there were three Great White Egrets and 120 Teals. Thursday 29th Another hot day out there. There…

Birds: July 2024

Wednesday 31st Seven Willow Warblers and a Green Sandpiper were on the Estate and a handful of Sandwich Terns and Mediterranean Gulls feeding together offshore. Our first Spotted Flycatcher and a few more Willow Warblers and Green Sandpipers were on New Downs. Tuesday 30th A Grasshopper Warbler was seen briefly at the Point. There were now three Great White Egrets…

Birds: June 2024

Sunday 30th The Cattle Egret flock on Worth marshes now numbered five and included one young bird in two. In the evening around 800 Jackdaws came to roost on the Green Wall. Saturday 29th There was an influx of various heron species with a Spoonbill in Pegwell Bay, two Great White Egrets and two Cattle Egrets on RSPB Worth marshes,…

Birds: May 2024

Friday 31st An Osprey spent time fishing in Pegwell Bay and then headed off to New Downs with a decent sized Mullet.  The weather next week is very mixed but at this time of year I always like to remind myself of the songs of two late spring migrants, Marsh Warbler and Blyth’s Reed Warbler. The former is a rare…

Birds: April 2024

Tuesday 30th Low cloud and light southerlies made for a good morning on RSPB Worth marshes, particularly on the Blue Pigeons pools off the Pinnock Wall. Two Sanderlings in with the Ringed Plovers and Dunlins were rare birds for inland on the marsh, but a TEMMINCK’S STINT stole the show. Both Garganey and Wood Sandpiper were also present. Monday 29th…