Saturday 28th

Walls continue to do well. At least six were flying around the Estate along with a few Small Coppers, Speckled Woods, and Large Whites.

Saturday 21st

A good count of nine Walls was on RSPB Worth marshes.

Friday 20th

The buddleias have been busy recently with various vanessids and Speckled Wood seem to be getting more numerous.

Sunday 15th

There must've been an emergence of Commas as seven were in one small area of the Estate.

Saturday 14th

A little breezy but four Commas, two Holly Blues, eight Large Whites, two Meadow Browns, 15 Red Admirals, six Small Coppers, 20 Small Whites, six Speckled Woods, one Wall, and two Common Blues were on the Estate.

Thursday 12th

The weather has been a bit iffy recently but there are still pockets of Red Admirals in areas out of the wind. Nowhere near as many as last week though. A few Painted Ladies have also been seen so a few of these may have also come in off the sea recently.

Painted Lady by S.Reynaert

Friday 6th

It was clear from early in the morning that something big was happening with Red Admirals. There were individuals all over the bushes, along the track, and even in the moth trap. A timed point count looking across the asparagus fields revealed butterflies heading inland at approximately 100 a minute. This was repeated on multiple occasions so many thousands must have passed through.

Wednesday 4th

A Painted Lady was at Restharrow Scrape. Very few have been seen this year.