The SBBOT reference library currently has approximately 900 books and monographs, a collection of Bird Observatory reports, back files of journals relating to birds and wildlife and of archived data and historical articles. There is also a comprehensive collection of digitised photographs of Sandwich Bay history and wildlife.

Warden Steffan Walton adding a new book to the library

Most of the stock covers birds in Great Britain and throughout the world but there are also books on wild flowers, insects, spiders, butterflies, moths, mammals, and much more.

Click HERE to view our current Library Catalogue

Books are in Dewey order. Titles range from the classic such as Gilbert White’s Natural History of Selborne to the third edition of the Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland by Paul Waring and Martin Townsend (2017).Eddie swotting up on his much loved Botany!

There are also several well-known series such as The New Naturalist Series, Birds of Africa, The Birds of the Western Palearctic and The Handbook of British Birds.

Eddie swotting up on his Botany.

If any members would like to make use of the library or to suggest items for stock please contact Sue Bennett or Ken Chapman.

A selection of some of the titles we currently have:

Atlas of Britain & Ireland's Larger Moths Kingfishers, Bee-eaters & Rollers
Field Guide to the Ladybirds of Great Britain and Ireland Birding in Namibia
The Bumblebees of Kent
Wild Orchids of Kent British Plume Moths
The Bedside Book of Birds The Birds of Israel

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