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Our Planning Application has been approved.
We have been awarded the National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £99,500
We have now purchased the land
Many development meetings have been held
Canterbury Archaeological Trust have carried out their work and have found only sand
We appointed Ovendens as our contractor for the excavation works and they have concluded their work
We have appointed Gilleards as our hide supplier who are building our new hide to our specifications - we think it will be the first fully accessible hide in Britain
We now need to continue our fundraising to ensure we can afford to do all that we are planning within the whole project, which is costed at just over £340,000.
A big thank you for your donations of £10, £20, £50 etc.
What's involved with this three year project?
The Restharrow Scrape Project has many elements:
Purchase of the site -
Development of the site including the provision of a second hide

The development work to improve the Scrape for wildlife and people has now been completed.
The new Vida Madell hide is installed and the old Graham Crick hide has been refurbished.
The path extension, the blue badge parking spaces and the new entrance gate are installed.
Recruitment of an Assistant Warden to support the interpretative and outreach elements of the project amongst other duties
Becky Downey is in post and has completed many virtual and actual activities with children and others.
Recruiting new volunteers to help visitors to the hides
Thank you to those who have already offered to help. If you are interested in helping once the hides are again open please contact Becky Downey at assistantwarden@sbbot.org.uk.
Support monitoring, recording and analysis of wildlife of the area
Ongoing work. If you can offer help with the entry of historic data please contact us.
Training for staff and volunteers

Our first event was very successful with 37 volunteers helping us with feedback on the project so far and learning how important it is to measure our success or otherwise throughout the 3 year project.
A second event took place on Friday 22nd November 2019.
An induction pack to support all volunteers has been produced.
A third event took place on Wednesday 19th February 2020.
Engaging with a wide range of groups and individuals to offer them outdoor and wildlife experiences
Various groups were involved in helping us design our new hide. This is also a priority part of the Assistant Warden's job.
Development of interpretation material on site and for wider distribution
Some walks leaflets have already been produced. Two large notice boards are in place at the reserve and at the field centre. Planning continues on material for the inside of the hides.
How you can follow the progress:
There is a file at the back of the main hall with the record of the project so far. This includes the notes from the many meetings and photos of the progress.