Please email to enquire about volunteering opportunities at SBBOT.
If you don't know us already, we're a friendly bunch and would be extremely pleased to welcome you to our team.
The Field Centre is run by volunteers seven days a week. Our team provides vital assistance in many areas, and we are always pleased to welcome new faces to our group - even if you can only spare a few hours on a regular basis, please do get in touch.
Similarly, the work of the Observatory has always relied on the goodwill of volunteer recorders, coming in and helping with censuses, surveys and ringing.
We are looking for help in the following areas...
Field Centre volunteers:
Meeting and greeting the public, staffing the shop and helping with the general running of the Field Centre. Help is needed 7 days a week. Often the first faces to new visitors, the shop volunteers are incredibly important in spreading our objectives, providing up-to-date news on recent sightings, and being a friendly interface for prospective members.
Conservation volunteers:
Help us maintain and protect a broad range of habitats on our Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Based at the Field Centre, we are responsible for Wildlife Reserves ranging from Duneland, Wetland and Woodland, most with public access, and all for study, education and pleasure.
SBBOT Conservation Team meets regularly twice a week for a 9 a.m. start, to tackle seasonal work, from scrub clearance and grass cutting to fencing and path maintenance. Lots to do, lots to see, lots of fun! If you are interested please get in touch at for details.
Due to the nature of the work we request that anyone under the age of 18 be accompanied by a guardian or other responsible adult when working with the conservation team.
(Click above to scroll through our gallery)
Volunteer birders:
Assisting with daily census and survey work. Please enter all records of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, flora and all other fauna in our logs in the Field Centre... or let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

Volunteer Ringers
One of our core activities is ringing birds. It is run by a team of volunteers. Training to become a licensed ringer is an ongoing activity with dedicated and very experienced ringers taking people through the levels of qualification as set out by the licensing authority the British Trust for Ornithology. Prospective trainees are welcome to try some taster sessions.
Education Team
Trying to get people to enjoy nature is very important to us at the observatory. We run lots of activities which include holiday clubs, school visits, nature trails, art and craft workshops, guided walks and youth groups. All involve lots of fun.
We need volunteers who can spare a few hours either regularly or on an occasional basis to support our activities in lots of different ways, from making resources, playing games, tidying up after craft sessions, going on walks or helping with our admin tasks.
We already have a very friendly team of retirees, students and enthusiasts but are looking for help to expand our community engagement. If this sounds interesting and you think you may be able to help, please contact us at if you'd like to help out with our education and outreach activities.
We have an equal opportunities policy and a policy for safeguarding children and adults at risk which you can access by CLICKING HERE.