Book Your Ticket Through Ticket Tailor Below

Please note that this event is best suited to children aged 6 and over. Our session takes place in areas of uneven terrain and involves quite a lot of walking, with the terrain being unsuitable for buggies and long distances between our Field Centre and reserve areas. It will also involve the use of equipment such as binoculars.

Chillax! Winter – it doesn’t have to be boring. Even though we’re in what some call the bleakest months of the year, there’s no need to feel bleak on this inside. Better still, we can fix these winer blues by getting ourselves outside and showing nature some LOVE! We’ll be heading outdoors exploring our wide range of habitats, getting the best of nature’s ‘wow factor’, learning new skills, being creative, playing games and maybe even make some new friends!

Even in the wintertime, the stunning Sandwich Bay Estate is alive with birdsong and flushed with vibrant colours. Tracks in the mud reveal the trails of nocturnal mammals meandering in the night, hardy fungi species can be found on deadwood and our wetland - Restharrow Scrape - comes to life with over-wintering birds and are full of hidden charms ready to be discovered!

Please be aware:

  • Children must be accompanied by an adult who is able to encourage and help them with the activities.
  • Our session starts at 10am and end at 1pm so please arrive in good time.
  • All activities take place outdoors and we recommend appropriate clothing for all weathers
  • This event is suitable for children and families but activities are aimed at 6 -13 years (Adults are free)

More information:

Cost: £5 per child for children aged between 5-13. Children under 4 are free as are accompanying adults. Ticket holders will be provided equipment, refreshment and snack

Our Field Centre has a small shop on site, stocking snacks and souvenirs.

Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory lies within the private estate of Sandwich Bay, which operates a toll road. There is a small fee of £1 at the Tollgate for non-members visiting the Observatory. However, you must exit from the same toll booth, otherwise you will be charged £5. Once at the Field Centre, parking is free. If the toll booth operators are absent during the time of your visit, you can pay the £1 charge on your exit.

If you or a member of your household are feeling unwell on the day of the event, please do not attend.

Photography consent - SBBOT sometimes take photos/videos for marketing purposes used in the public domain. Please contact us if you do not consent

Any questions? Please email


Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust - Field Centre, CT139PF

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