The Point is the long beach area stretching from the northern edge of the Estate towards Pegwell Bay. It is dominated by shingle and Sea Buckthorn, and the short turf of neighbouring Prince’s Golf Course. At the end is the restricted area of Shellness Point (with no general access).

Find the Point on our Recording Area map HERE.
Spring sees Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers displaying and nesting on the beach. Peregrines can often be seen sitting near Shellness Point and the bushes are often good spots to find migrant Ring Ouzels and Cuckoos.
The sound of Skylarks fill the air over summer with large numbers nesting in the golf course rough. Sand Lizards were introduced to area some time ago and may be glimpsed in the morning sun, whilst Southern Dune Tiger Beetles will be scuttling along the sand dunes. The nationally rare Restharrow and Bright Wave moths are found here and Lizard Orchid and Bedstraw Broomrapes are abundant.

The beach is a good area to find passing Wheatears in autumn whilst Swallows and House Martins will migrate in vast numbers along the coast. At Shellness Point there should be a building wader roost with Bar-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Grey Plover, and Knot all possible, though it is important not to enter the Restricted Area. Keep an eye open for Painted Lady butterflies and Southern Migrant Hawker dragonflies inland.
The Point can be a great winter walk to get away for a while. Sanderlings and Turnstones accompany you along the beach and Red-throated Divers fish just offshore. The area also happens to be the best area in Kent for Snow Buntings so keep an eye out for them.