Your membership helps SBBOT further conservation, advance the education of the public and raise their awareness by:

  1. The study of birds, their distribution and migration in accordance with the rules of the British Trust for Ornithology,
  2. The study and conservation of flora and fauna in the area of Sandwich Bay, Kent and other adjacent areas.
Blue Badge Holders may apply to drive to Restharrow Scrape by ticking this box.
If you would like to make a donation, please record the amount here
*See Footer
May we have your tax please? All donations by UK taxpayers to Charities now attract Gift Aid Tax Relief. If you pay the standard subscription of £30 to S.B.B.O.T., we can claim £7.50 from the Inland Revenue - the tax you have already paid, and at no additional cost or paperwork to yourself. (We can do the same for any donation you might make to the Bay).
DECLARATION: I wish the Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust (Charity No. 1197743) to reclaim tax on all donations and S.B.B.O.T. subscriptions I have made since 6th April 2016 and all donations and subscriptions I make hereafter. Enter your full name in CAPITAL LETTERS to digital sign your Gift Aid declaration.



Online payment:
For the required sum to Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust
A/C No 10262047, Sort code 82-11-07

For the required sum payable to Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust.

CAF voucher:
For the required amount.

Standing Order:
The banks no longer accept your instructions passed via us. Please set up a Standing Order direct with your bank.

You can set up with my bank a Standing Order to:
Virgin Money
A/C No 10262047, Sort code 82-11-07
For the credit of Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust for the required sum.

Please note: Your pass allows access to the Field Centre only & NOT the estate or the beach. Members obtain their screen sticker at the main Estate Toll Booth by showing their membership card.

Your details will not be used for any other purpose and we will not share your information with any other organisation.

Please be aware that overseas members will only be sent electronic correspondence.

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