Sally Hunter - Publicity Officer & Council Minute Secretary

Although I spent my childhood in what was then the suburbs of London, I had an interest in natural history through my father. We had stag beetles in our garden and regularly visited Richmond Park as much for the wildlife as for play and exercise. On family holidays we always had our I-spy books with us in which we dutifully ticked off the species we could identify.

I came to Canterbury to train as a teacher in the early 70s and have remained in East Kent ever since except for a brief emigration to East Sussex for a few years in the 2010s. I have been associated with Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory since my time at college and have lived in Sandwich for coming up to 50 years. My first involvement with the bird observatory was as one of the first female bird ringers - an activity that I continue to pursue as a trainer. Ringing has taken me to many places in the world helping to record the birds - with an expedition to Senegal over three years being the absolute highlight.

As many birders have done I too have taken up an interest in recording moths and regularly help Ian with recording the contents of the main observatory trap throughout the year. I compile the annual moth report for the observatory.

I helped to set up the original charitable trust in the 80’s and led on the Restharrow Scrape Development Project more recently. I have always been proud to be part of the recording community at Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory and have served on the council of trustees in several ways over many years.

My current role is to support the Trustees in the publicising of our activities and events to our members and beyond.

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