Sunday 31st

Unfortunately yesterdays pleasant conditions were not repeated and it was much more breezy than expected. Some nets were possible but there were not the number of Chiffchaffs around and just one was ringed. Of more interest were the two new Green Woodpeckers. This was because we only ringed three in the whole of 2023.

Saturday 30th

If anybody was wanting to know how quickly the ground is drying out take a look at this picture of a tractor stuck in the field by the observatory.

Tractor preparing new asparagus field March 28th.


Thursday 21st

It sounds as if this will be the last of the calm and mild starts for a week or so. The birds seem to be following the same forecasts as it was a quiet morning with just two Chiffchaffs, two Chaffinches and a Song Thrush ringed.

Wednesday 20th

It was calm again and this time the wind did not get up. The warmth seems to be helping dry out the flooded areas. There were seven new birds today - two each of Chiffchaff and Great Tit, plus singles of Blue Tit, Chaffinch and, this time, a Mallard from the heligoland. There was also a control Chiffchaff plus a retrap Blue Tit which was the first bird this year where we have noticed a cloacal protuberance developed i.e. it is a male.

Tuesday 19th

At last a calm start to the day and it was mild. The wind did get up strongly but not before we ringed ten birds and retrapped four. With plenty of Chiffchaffs calling it was not a surprise that we ringed four. Next most numerous were three Siskins, followed by singles of Great Tit, Chaffinch and best of all a Moorhen from the Heligoland.

Wednesday 13th

Although it was windier than forecast it was possible to get to some rides and try for a while. We caught three birds - two new Fieldfares and a Chiffchaff.

Friday 6th

The ringing area remains the playground of manatees and mermaids, not helped by yet more rain around first light. Fortunately it brightened up after this and was a lovely spring day. A few more like this and water levels might drop.

We took the opportunity of a nice day to get the latest batch of eight woodstone nest boxes up. They were replacing wooden ones which woodpeckers target. A big thanks to CJ Wildlife who sold them at a favourable cost to us. It was pleasant putting up the boxes with a Chiffchaff doing its thing from nearby trees and a Firecrest flitting around above our heads.

New nest box March 6th 2024