Thursday 30th

Despite the strength of the wind there were a couple of sites where nets could be used safely. A short session yielded a Firecrest (the first this year), a Song Thrush and a retrap Chaffinch.

Monday 27th

The morning dawned with only a slight breeze which dropped away allowing a slight frost which was quickly melted away. At last some ringing could be done. Twenty-two new birds and 12 retraps were caught. The new birds included a Wren, two Redwings (both adults), two Great Tits, six House Sparrows and nine Chaffinches. One of the Moorhens in the Haven even joined in the fun.

A gentle trickle of new Great Tits is a regular feature at this time of the year. Eight of the Chaffinches were females which is a reversal of the situation a month ago when males dominated.

There were also six retrap House Sparrows including another bird ringed in 2018.

Friday 24th

Despite the wind there one or two sheltered spots for a net or two. This yielded four new and four retrap birds before rain appeared on the horizon. The new birds were a Redwing, two Chiffchaffs and a Great Tit.

Sunday 19th

The weather chose to ignore recent forecasts and stuck to that from earlier in the week. It was a pleasant, sunny day with a light breeze. Sixteen new birds and four retraps were caught. This time Chiffchaffs cooperated and four were ringed. Nine new Chaffinches were moving steadily overhead and nine new ones were caught and ringed.

Saturday 18th

All the forecasts seemed to expect rain, but at different times. In the end we were able to get about 90 minutes in before rain stopped play. Although there were several Chiffchaffs calling none were caught. The eight new birds were a Robin, two Song Thrushes, a Blue Tit and two Great Tits plus two Collared Doves which were the first for the year.

Friday 17th

The weather continues to thwart us but there might be a couple of mornings coming up.

Spurred on by the fact another volunteer has started noting House Sparrow colour rings at the observatory (Thank you Martin) I had a look on Sandown Road. One of the birds was CHH. He was ringed in a nest at the observatory in June 2018. At four years and nine months he is one of the oldest sparrows in our project.

Sunday 12th

Conditions have often not been suitable for ringing recently. Today dawned mild and dry however and so it was possible to have a go. There were four new birds - a Blackbird, a Chiffchaff, a Great Tit and a Robin. There was also a retrap Blackbird and a Robin. The Chiffchaff had clearly been finding plenty of food as it weighed more than 9 grams.