Monday 20th

The daytime temperatures are mild so the trap was out again. The night-time temperatures did not listen to the forecast and dropped to 3.5°C. There were six moths in the trap. Hebrew Character (3) and Satellite were new for the year, plus there was a Common Quaker and a Pale Brindled Beauty

Hebrew Character February 20th 2023. I-Hunter
Satellite. February 20th 2023.I Hunter
20 February 2023

Wednesday 15th

Hopes of an interesting arrival linked to the Saharan dust were dashed by a frosty night which descended into foggy conditions with the temperature down to -1.8°C. In fact there were no moths and the only living things in the trap were two large water beetles- Dytiscus marginalis.

Monday 13th

As it is a month on from the last update you will have gathered it has been quiet on the moth front. However, the warm day time conditions tempted the trap out in the Observatory carpark last night. Although it remained cloudy the temperature dropped to 3°C and there were just two moths in the trap. Both were Pale Brindled Beauties.

Sunday 12th

Results from two Actinics and one LED in The Elms were four Pale Brindled Beauties, two Dotted Borders, and two Chestnuts.