June 28th

Although it was windy during the day it did drop but the sky was fairly clear and the temperature just stayed in double figures with a minimum of 10.5° C. There were just 115 moths of 40 species. Small Angle Shades is scarce here and so one was of note. A visitor had more joy adding Scallop Shell and the rare for us Nascia cilialis.

Small Angle Shades - Ian Hunter

Caterpillars yielded more interest with a Sallow Kitten in the Whitehouse and a new site for Toadflax Brocade again on Purple Toadflax. The site at the observatory has some new recently hatched larvae as well.

June 27th

Last night started with some much needed heavy showers and it was blustery. There were 93 moths of 38 species. Least Carpet was new for the year and Dark Arches was most numerous with 14.

June 25th

A cool, clear, breezy night led to a catch of just 64 moths of 34 species. Scalloped Oak was new for the year and the trickle of Dark Sworgrasses continues with another single.

June 24th

There was enough cloud to lead to a brief shower overnight, the parched ground certainly needs it. The temperature stayed above 14.8°C and this led to a reasonable total of 279 moths of 59 species. We seem to be in a bit of a lull though Ruby Tiger and Acrobasis advenella  were the only new for the year species. A Clancy’s Rustic would have created even more interest just a couple of years ago but they seem to have settled in the area.

Scarce (Top) & Hoary Footman - Ian Hunter

June 23rd

Just to emphasise how important the temperature can be last night it did not fall below 16.3°C and the catch shot up to 512 moths of 103 species. Migrants continue to be thin on the ground but there was another Bordered Straw. New for the year were Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (2), Brown-tail (3), Coronet, Short-cloaked, Garden Carpet, Dingy Shears (3) and Common Rustic agg. (4).

Most numerous was Large Yellow Underwing with 57. It will be interesting to see what sort of numbers of these we get in late summer when they are usually more frequent.

June 22nd

The temperature crept back into double figures and the catch improved slightly to 148 moths of 59 species. Clouded-bordered Brindle, Scarce Footman, Ghost Moth and July Highflyer were all new for the year. A Rest Harrow made it from the dunes into the trap.

June 21st

The run of clear nights continues to restrict the catch. The temperature dropped to 8.1°C and there were only 99 moths of 37 species. There was another Pearly Underwing, this is a migrant we expect more in late summer

June 20th

The clear sky resulted in the temperature dropping to 8.1°C. The number of moths only dropped to 124 but the number of species increased to 49. A Delicate was the only moth of note

19th June 2022

It was back down to earth last night. Although the minimum was still 13.5 °C the catch fell to just 153 moths 0f 46 species. There was one Bordered Straw and a Silver Y. Brown Rustic was new for the year.

Brown Rustic I Hunter

During the day it is well worth checking flowering plants such as Lavender and Red Valerian because there are numerous reports of Hummingbird Hawk-moths.

June 18th

A fantastic night with high, thin , cloud and a minimum of 16.3 celsius. The car park trap had 659 moths of 139 species. This included a new moth for us a Confused.


Also new for the year were Dunbar, Rustic, Langmaid’s Yellow Underwing (2), Ruddy Carpet, Orange Footman, Dotted Footman, Double Square-spot, Shoulder-striped Wainscot, Marbled White-spot and Sycamore.

Silver Barred

Also of note was our 4th Striped Hawk-moth, 32 Hoary Footmen, two Silver-barred and four Bright Waves.

Portland Riband Wave

Not to be out done the trap on Sandown Road caught our first ever record of Portland Riband Wave. Plus a Bordered Straw and two Festoons

June 17th

Even the nights are warming up and with a thin layer of cloud as well hopes were high for last night. The catch increased to 228 moths of 84 species in the main trap. Common Emerald and Latticed Heath were new for the year in the trap. There were also Four Dark Swordgrasses, a Rush Veneer and a Diamondback.

The visitors who ventured into the field really turned up trumps with three Rannoch Loopers. These are the first records of this species since 2011 when a few resulting from the 2009 invasion were last recorded.

Rannoch Looper

Also of particular note was a Lobster Moth. The only previous record of this species was an adult in 1968 which had been reared from a larva found in the Elms in 1967. As a species associated with broad-leaved woodland it is not high on our list of expected moths.

June 16th

A thin layer of cloud in the first half of the night meant moths were active for a while until it cleared and the temperature dropped to 11.7 celsius. The main trap held Scorched Wing, Clay, Poplar Grey and Goat Moth all new for the year. Visitors were rewarded for their efforts with another Goat Moth plus a Large Emerald which was the first record since 2013.

Rosy Wave, White Colon and Bordered Sallow were also new for the year.

June 15th

The days are hotting up and once the super moon has waned we should see a significant improvement in the catch. Last night there were 96 moths of 42 species. Uncertain and Crambus perlella were both new for the year. Along the dunes Bright Waves are emerging and an Archer’s Dart was trapped. Orange-tipped Clearwing was lured to pheromones.

June 14th

A clear night which reduced the moth catch to 41 of 30 species. Another Pine Hawk-moth was present and Smoky Wainscot was the most numerous species with just four individuals.

June 13th

With a minimum of temperature of 11.2 degrees, the car park trap caught 197 of 71 species. Another Clancy's Rustic was present as was a Four-dotted FootmanA trap set by the Feeders was equally busy with Wax Moth, Yarrow Plume and Maple Prominent all new for the year.

June 12th

The nights remain clear. 113 of 39 species were in the Car park trap. Another Eyed Hawk-moth and Privet Hawk-moth were present and a Dark Swordgrass was the only migrant recorded.

June 11th

The temperature was 11.5 degrees and the trap held 181 of 46 species. White-line Dart, Smoky Wainscot and Birds Wing were all new for the year.

June 10th

A light shower and warm temperature of 15.3 degrees boosted the moth numbers up to 239 of 33. Dusky Brocade was the only new for the year whilst Setaceous Hebrew Character ruled the roost with 67 species.

June 9th

Quality more than quantity in the trap overnight with a few more species new for year: Southern Wainscot, Delicate, Common Footman. The best of the bunch was a Beautiful Golden Y.

June 8th

253 species of 58 were recorded. Reddish Light Arches, Pine Hawk-moth, Common White Plume, Platytes cerussella and Acleris bergmanniana were all new for the year. Green Oak Tortrix continued their run with 14. A trap by the Feeders added Riband Wave to the year list.

June 7th

189 of 57 species were caught, a Pigmy Footman was the most notable. Three Dark Swordgrass and 2 Rush Veneer possibly hinted at migration.

June 6th

Full cloud cover proved to be beneficial with 244 of 58 species caught. Green Oak Tortrix still kept their numbers up with 44 in the trap whilst the pyralid Evergestis limbata was new for the year, as was L-album Wainscot.

June 5th

Thunderstorms overnight kept the temperature up to 15.1 degrees which was excellent for the moths. 237 of 39 species were caught, of these Chrysoteuchia culmella was new.

June 4th

152 of 32 species were caught despite light showers. Burnished Brass was new for the year.

June 3rd

104 of 34 species were caught. Thistle Ermine was new for the year.

June 2nd

A cold night of only 5.4 degrees resulted in a quiet trap of 50 of 19 species. Another Pearly Underwing was most notable.

June 1st

We're approaching some cool nights which may affect activity. 56 of 22 was a small catch given the time of year. A Pearly Underwing was the only migrant whilst another Elephant Hawk-moth provided a splash of colour.