The Green Wall is a good area for both reedbed and woodland species as it loops between these different habitat types.
Find the Green Wall on our Recording Area map HERE.

In spring noisy Ring-necked Parakeets can be heard flying around overhead and look for Coal Tits and Treecreepers, particularly around the Pine trees. Holly Blue butterflies are commonly seen in this area, preferring this denser wooded habitat.
Reed Buntings dart between the reeds in the summer and watch out for key woodland invertebrate species such as the Speckled Wood and Comma butterflies. Parts of the river are really good for the Banded Demoiselle damselfly.

In autumn, the Common Sandpiper is regular from the riverside, while migrating Goldcrest, Chiffchaff, and Blackcap can be seen and heard amongst the trees. Willow Emerald and Common Blue Damselflies are possible.
In winter, scan the reeds with eyes and ears for Bearded Tits and listen for the explosive sound of the Cetti’s Warbler. The Green Wall is also a great place to spot Mistle Thrushes.