Saturday 25th
Our first Norfolk Hawker was in the Haven.

Friday 24th
Our earliest ever Southern Hawker was a surprise find along the Great Wood on RSPB Worth marshes.
Friday 17th
Two Four-spotted Chasers and four Azure Damselflies were on New Downs. A Variable Damselfly was on the Estate and large numbers of Emperor exuviae were in Middle Field pond.
Wednesday 15th
Records continue to fall with our earliest ever Black-tailed Skimmer on RSPB Worth marshes.

Tuesday 13th
Our first Four-spotted Chasers were seen on both the Estate and New Downs.
Friday 10th
Our joint-earliest ever Banded Demoiselle was at Roaring Gutter.

Thursday 9th
Three Common Blue Damselflies and one Azure Damselfly were on the Estate, with 11 Blue-tailed, 16 Variable, one Azure, and two Hairy Dragonflies on Worth.
Tuesday 7th
Six species were recorded on RSPB Worth marshes including our first five Azure Damselflies of the year.
Wednesday 1st
A Hairy Dragonfly and two Variable Damselflies were at Mary Bax.