Tuesday 31st
The month came to a close with small numbers of Banded Demoiselles seen on Worth, plus the odd Emperor and Scarce Chaser being hoovered up by the Eleonora’s and Red-footed Falcons!
Thursday 26th
The day was spent surveying the pools on Prince's Golf Course for the course manager. They are beginning to look very good with a decent mix of odonata on show. Blue-tailed, Azure, and Common Blue Damselflies were recorded in good numbers, plus three Red-eyed Damselflies. Three Emperors, ten Hairy Dragonflies, five Black-tailed Skimmers, four Broad-bodied Chasers, and 41 Four-spotted Chasers completed the list. The latter count is the highest for a decade.
Wednesday 18th
A number of Broad-bodied Chasers were recorded on Worth and New Downs.
Tuesday 17th
Our first Emperor was on the Estate.
Monday 16th
Worth marshes continues to provide interest with our earliest Common Darter by almost two weeks! There were hundreds of Blue-tailed Damselflies and a Red-eyed Damselfly was also new for the year.
Saturday 14th
Another Four-spotted Chaser and our first Banded Demoiselle of the year were seen on Worth.

Thursday 12th
Four Azure Damselflies were on the Green Wall and the first Four-spotted Chaser of the year was on Worth marshes.
Wednesday 11th
Nine Azure Damselflies were at the Point.
Monday 9th
The first Hairy Dragonfly for the Estate was flying around Royal St George's Golf Course. Another eight were on Worth, plus ten Azure Damselflies, seven Variable Damselflies, eight Blue-tailed Damselflies, a Broad-bodied Chaser, and surprisingly, our earliest ever Scarce Chaser!
Saturday 7th
A nice spell mid-afternoon on Worth marshes produced three Hairy Dragonflies, two Broad-bodied Chasers, and lots of teneral damselflies in the grass.
Thursday 5th
The first Common Blue Damselfly of the year was on Worth, along with four each of Variable and Azure.
Tuesday 3rd
A teneral Azure Damselfly was seen along the Pinnock Wall on Worth marshes.