Tuesday 27th
Two Southern Migrant Hawkers were in the Jubilee Field.
Monday 26th
Another first with a Brown Hawker seen on Worth marshes today,
Sunday 25th
Three Lesser Emperors were on Restharrow Scrape and our first Small Red-eyed Damselfly of the year was on the Observatory dipping pond. There were also at least 17 Banded Demoiselles by the bridge before the Worth track.
Saturday 24th
A surprise Southern Emerald Damselfly was found along the Worth track.
Friday 23rd
A number of Ruddy Darters were on the coastal footpath along the edge of Hundred Acre Field, and back at the Observatory a brief Southern Migrant Hawker was near the Ringing Room.
Wednesday 21st
An excellent 280+ Dainty Damselflies were seen on today's morning walk.

Monday 19th
A LESSER EMPEROR was on Restharrow Scrape. The third year in succession with this species on the site. A Norfolk Hawker was also present and at least a few Red-veined Darters.
Saturday 17th
At least ten Emerald Damselflies were around the Dragonfly Pond.
Friday 16th
A Norfolk Hawker was on Royal St George's Golf Course.
Wednesday 14th
A Southern Emerald Damselfly was at a private site.

Tuesday 13th
The first Dainty Damselfly walk was a great success with at least 130 individuals on the wing, plus the first Emerald Damselflies.
Monday 12th
A Norfolk Hawker was patrolling along the Guilford Rd.
Saturday 10th
At least nine Norfolk Hawkers were on Worth today.
Friday 9th
A count on Worth marshes produced six Banded Demoiselles, nine Common Darters, one Ruddy Darter, ten Black-tailed skimmers, two Norfolk Hawkers, six Scarce chasers, one Four-spotted Chaser, one Emperor, one Red-eyed Damselfly, 50+ Blue-tailed Damselflies, and two each of Azure and Variable Damselflies.
Tuesday 6th
Two Common Darters and three Scarce Chasers were on Worth marshes, both first sightings this year. There were also four Black-tailed Skimmers and at least 75 Blue-tailed Damselflies sheltering in the breezy conditions.