Sunday 31st
A few Willow Emerald Damselflies were around the Whitehouse in the evening.
Tuesday 26th
Migrant Hawkers had clearly emerged with 29 on New Downs around midday. Five Emperors and a Brown Hawker were also seen.
Sunday 24th
Our first Southern Migrant Hawker of the year was seen on the Estate, along with four Willow Emerald Damselflies.
Thursday 21st
Our first two Willow Emerald Damselflies of the year were on Worth marshes.

Wednesday 20th
The first Migrant Hawker of the year was along the Guilford Rd.
Thursday 14th
Two Brown Hawkers were around the Estate, in the Elms and the Whitehouse respectively.
Monday 11th
Singles of Brown Hawker were on the Estate and the Green Wall. An Emperor was on Restharrow Scrape and another was ovipositing on the dipping pond outside the Observatory. Black-tailed Skimmers still remain in good number on the Scrape.

Friday 8th
A male Southern Hawker was sallying around the net rides in the Whitehouse this morning, although it chose only shady spots to rest. There were 11 Norfolk Hawkers on Worth along with a Brown Hawker. The Black-tailed Skimmers were the most numerous on Restharrow Scrape with at least ten, but two Emperors helped bring some diversity.
Wednesday 6th
Two Norfolk Hawkers, two Brown Hawkers, one Banded Demoiselle, three Scarce Chasers and ten Black-tailed Skimmers were on Worth today.

Monday 4th
A Southern Hawker was in the Observatory Car park in the afternoon and an Emerald Damselfly was along the Green Wall. An afternoon walk to Worth produced two Norfolk Hawkers, three Emperors and a Brown Hawker along the Pinnock Wall. At Restharrow Scrape a large number of Red-eyed Damselflies were reported.

Saturday 2nd
The bronze wings of a Brown Hawker shimmering in the sunlight caught the eye of an observer as it passed through the Observatory garden.
Friday 1st
A Large Red Damselfly was at Roaring Gutter and a Ruddy Darter was on the track by Great Wood.