Ringing: March 2024
Sunday 31st Unfortunately yesterdays pleasant conditions were not repeated and it was much more breezy than expected. Some nets were possible but there were not the number of Chiffchaffs around and just one was ringed. Of more interest were the two new Green Woodpeckers. This was because we only ringed three in the whole of 2023. Saturday 30th If anybody…
Ringing: February 2024
Saturday 24th A calm, clear, night resulted in a shock to the system with a slight frost to start with. The sun quickly cleared this. It was a case of quality over quantity with just two birds caught. One of these was the second male Firecrest this year and the other was a retrap Redwing. Friday 23rd It was a…
Ringing: January 2024
Saturday 20th Another very frosty start but this time a bit of a breeze removed some of the frost in exposed spots. Twenty-five birds were caught of which seven were new. The new birds were headed up by a Blackcap, there were also four House Sparrows, a Blackbird, and a Song Thrush. Such is the scarcity of Starlings these days…
Ringing: December 2023
There must be somebody out there who can help. We are still looking for a Treasurer who can replace Bo when he moves out of the area. Please contact treasurer@sbbot.org.uk. Tuesday 26th The promise of a more settled day tempted two of us out and it was worth is in quality if not quantity. There were only seven new birds…
Ringing: November 2023
We still need somebody to volunteer to take over from our retiring Treasurer. It is your opportunity to contribute to the work of our charity. Wednesday 29th A cold and frosty morning with no breeze. Thirty-four birds were caught of which 21 were new. Blackbird was top with six followed by five Goldfinches. The trickle of Chiffchaffs continued with another…
Ringing: October 2023
Can you help? Our Treasurer, is moving from the area and so is stepping down from his post. We need somebody to step up to the mark. Bo has prepared a short manual to describe what he does and how it is done and would like to help ease a new person in if possible. Contact treasurer@sbbot.org.uk Tuesday 31st As…
Ringing: September 2023
Saturday 30th A clear night followed by a lovely calm morning created great conditions. There were more than a hundred each of Blackcap and Chiffchaff around the Haven first thing. With only one senior ringer and one trainee we were careful to use just two net rides. One hundred and nineteen birds were ringed and there were no retraps or…
Ringing: August 2023
Wednesday 30th Overnight rain seems to have prevented migration and there were just five new birds. Four of these were Blackcaps and the fifth was the first Swallow we have ringed this year. A quick comparison of the monthly total for August this year and for August last year shows a total of 758 new birds this August and 828…
Ringing: July 2023
Sunday 30th It was very windy but there are enough leaves on the bushes to allow some nets to be used. Fourteen birds were ringed two of which were Garden Warblers. Blackcaps continue to show they have had a successful season with another four young ringed. Probably as a result of the very unsettled weather to the west there were…
Ringing: June 2023
Friday 30th A very quiet morning with just new Blackcap and Robin plus retrap Blackcap and Long-tailed Tit. There is unlikely to be much ringing next week as we have some essential maintenance to do. Wednesday 28th A muggy but fairly calm morning produced another selection of young birds. These were two each of Robin, Blackbird and Whitethroat plus singles…