Thursday 26th

Good conditions today. Seven Speckled Woods, two Painted Ladies, one Red Admiral, 18 Common Blues, three Small Tortoiseshells, two Large Whites, 16 Small Heaths, and two Small Whites were on New Downs whilst one Large White, two Small Whites, one Small Copper, one Holly Blue, 26 Common Blues, and 14 Small Heaths were at the Point.

Sunday 22nd

Our second Green Hairstreak of the year was seen on Worth.

Wednesday 18th

Walls continue their resurgence with one at the Sandwich end of the riverbank this time. Seven Painted Ladies were on Worth marshes and another on New Downs.

Tuesday 17th

A nice warm day to do the BMS transect. A total of 64 butterflies was recorded with Common Blue and Small Heath most numerous. Seven Painted Ladies were of note along the shore.

A Large Skipper in Middle Field was the first of the year and looked to be the butterfly highlight of the day until mid-afternoon when a DINGY SKIPPER was found in the Whitehouse. This may be a common butterfly around Kent but represents our first record since 1958!

Saturday 14th

A Green Hairstreak on Worth marshes was our first sighting in five years. Despite colonies nearby at Stonelees and Betteshanger CP this smart butterfly remains a rare treat at Sandwich Bay.

Green Hairstreak by A.Lipczynski

Thursday 12th

An early start on New Downs meant that not many butterflies were out yet but two Common Blues, two Red Admirals, one Large White, one Green-veined White and four Small Heaths were seen. Four Orange-tips, five Large Whites, and three Green-veined Whites were also on the Green Wall.

Wednesday 11th

Our first Brown Argus of the year was at the Point along with four Common Blues, four Small Coppers, one Peacock, two Red Admirals, one Large White, and five Small Heaths. Two Walls, a Red Admiral, and an Orange-tip were seen on the Estate.

Saturday 8th

A good number and variety of butterflies on Worth marshes today including at least ten Orange-tips and three Walls.

Friday 6th

Walls continue their resurgence with five on the Estate today.

Thursday 5th

The weather was rather nice today though still with a northerly breeze. The BMS Transect recorded 22 butterflies of eight species. Of note were six Small Heaths, six Small Coppers, two Walls, and our first Common Blue of the year. An Orange-tip was at the Observatory later.

Orange-tip by S.Reynaert

Wednesday 4th

Our first Small Heath of the year was seen on the Estate.

Tuesday 3rd

A walk over to Worth marshes in the afternoon produced a male Orange-tip and a Green-veined White along the Worth track, and two Walls either side of the railway crossing.