Sunday 31st

The month ended with Large White and another Brimstone on the Green Wall.

Saturday 27th

New butterflies continue to come fast with our first Speckled Wood of the year on the  Estate today.

Wednesday 20th

Four species were on the Estate with two male Brimstones of note.

Tuesday 19th

A Red Admiral was on Worth and there was another sighting of a Brimstone on the Estate, whilst our first Large White and yet another Brimstone were on the Green Wall.

Monday 18th

A big increase in sightings today with a minimum of 11 Peacocks on the Estate, with two Small Tortoiseshells, one Brimstone, and one Comma, with another Small Tortoiseshell and a brief 'white sp.' on the Green Wall.

Peacock by S.Reynaert

Saturday 16th

Three Peacocks and our first Comma were in Middle Field.

Sunday 10th

A Small Tortoiseshell was on New Downs.

Saturday 9th

A male Brimstone wandered around the Little Elms.

Wednesday 6th

A Peacock butterfly was enjoying the warm sun in the Middle Field.