Friday 29th
A WHITE-LETTER HAIRSTREAK was on the Green Wall.
Wednesday 27th
The best transect of the year with 200 butterflies exactly. Meadow Browns led the way with 75, followed by Small Heath on 50 and Small/Essex Skipper on 35. A few Large Skippers were logged and the first of the next generation of Small Tortoiseshell.
Thursday 20th
At least seven Holly Blues were on the Estate.
Monday 17th
Two Small/Essex Skippers and two Marbled Whites on the BMS Transect were the first of the year. And that was going to be the highlight until a surprise Green Hairstreak appeared by the Cellars, the first to ever be recorded on the transect. Filling up the rest of the transect were one Small White, one Green-veined White, six Common Blues, two Holly Blues, two Red Admirals, 13 Meadow Browns, and 34 Small Heaths.
Thursday 13th
Two Large Skippers were in the Jubilee Field.
Thursday 6th
A female Brimstone and a Meadow Brown were in the Jubilee Field on the Estate.
Tuesday 4th
Sunny weather for the first time in a while. Small numbers of blues and Heaths were on the Estate, whilst a small orangey butterfly flew across the path by the Haven, most likely a skipper species.