Sunday 31st

July seems to be the month that keeps giving regarding butterflies. A LONG-TAILED BLUE was in the Whitehouse area during the morning.

Thursday 28th

Our first Clouded Yellow of the year was at the Point.

Wednesday 27th

Today's BMS Transect comprised three Small/Essex Skippers, one Large White, two Small Whites, two Small Coppers, four Brown Argus', 13 Common Blues, one Small Tortoiseshell, one Peacock, five Speckled Woods, six Walls, 133 Gatekeepers, 19 Meadow Browns, and six Small Heaths.

Tuesday 26th

A good variety of butterflies were on New Downs today with Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Painted Lady, three Red Admirals, Comma, eight Speckled Woods, three Brown Argus, 25 Common Blues, two Small Whites, five Green-veined Whites, seven Large Whites, 52 Gatekeepers, four Meadow Browns, three Small Heaths, 16 Small/Essex Skippers, and our first Wall in this part of our Recording Area since 2018.

Monday 25th

Double-figures of Small Tortoiseshells were around the Observatory today.

Wednesday 20th

Another day, another rare butterfly for the area. A SILVER-WASHED FRITILLARY was seen along the Guilford Rd this morning. This is only the third Sandwich Bay record (previous sightings on 5th July 2011 and 26th July 2018).

Silver-washed Fritillary by S.Walton


Tuesday 19th

A stunning SWALLOWTAIL was seen on Royal St George's Golf Course in the evening. Our first since 2013.

Swallowtail by P.Wright


Tuesday 12th

A SMALL BLUE was found in Big Gully. This is only the second Sandwich Bay record and the first for the Estate.

Small Blue by C.Ward


Monday 11th 

A Common Blue and a Brown Argus were along the Green Wall this morning. A Brimstone was along the path by Middle Field.

Monday 4th 

With the searing heat, the butterfly transect today was slightly quieter than expected with most Vanessid species sparse. Three fresh Small Coppers were present along the road to Restharrow Scrape whilst Gatekeepers were flitting on most of the bushes through the Estate. At least two Painted Ladies were still flitting around through the Recording Area.

Sunday 3rd 

A Wall Brown was on the sea-front.