Monday 21st
There was a late Essex Skipper on the BMS Transect (though still two weeks away from our latest ever record) and a Clouded Yellow in the Whitehouse.
Wednesday 16th
A male Brimstone was in the Whitehouse and there was a good emergence of Speckled Woods with 19 on the Estate, plus five Walls and six Holly Blues.
Tuesday 15th
One Small/Essex Skipper, 23 Small Whites, four Small Coppers, 16 Brown Argus, 32 Common Blues, four Holly Blues, nine Red Admirals, one Small Tortoiseshell, two Peacocks, nine Speckled Woods, three Walls, 60 Gatekeepers, 14 Meadow Browns, and 54 Small Heaths were on the BMS Transect.
Thursday 10th
The BMS Transect numbers are beginning to trail off from their peak a few weeks ago. Still plenty on offer though. Today's transect recorded 211 butterflies of 14 species. Two late Small/Essex Skippers and four Walls were of note. In the afternoon there were eight Clouded Yellows on New Downs.
Wednesday 9th
Two Brimstones were on the Estate.
Tuesday 8th
Their good year continues with at least four Walls on the Estate today despite the cool conditions.
Thursday 3rd
Three Walls were on the Estate.
Wednesday 2nd
There were at least 105 Gatekeepers sheltering from the strong winds in the Gullies.
Tuesday 1st
A Comma larva was found in The Elms and a Wall was by Restharrow Scrape.