Saturday 29th
Following on from yesterday's first, there were four Orange-tips in the Jubilee field.
Friday 28th
The first Orange-tip of the year was in the Little Elms
Thursday 27th
A Large Tortoiseshell was photographed along the Green Wall.
Saturday 22nd
Six Peacocks, one Red Admiral, and one Speckled Wood were on New Downs.
Saturday 15th
Another Comma was on the Estate.
Thursday 13th
A Peacock and two Small Tortoiseshells were on New Downs with a Green-veined White, two Peacocks, and a Small Tortoiseshell on Worth.
Tuesday 11th
On the Estate there were two Peacocks, a Small Tortoiseshell, and our first Speckled Wood and Comma of the year. Singles of Red Admiral, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, and Small White were on New Downs, the latter also new for the year.
Tuesday 11th
Our first Green-veined White was on the Green Wall.
Tuesday 4th
A good count of ten Peacocks were on Worth marshes, our first double-figure count of the year.
Monday 3rd
A male Brimstone and two Peacocks were on the Estate.