Tuesday 31st
A relatively late Yellow-browed Warbler was on the Estate with a smattering of Goldcrests and continued passage of Lesser Redpolls and Siskins occurred overhead. Over on New Downs, 495 Lapwings and 220 Golden Plovers were congregating and a female Goosander flew over. In Pegwell, the Spoonbill and male Eider were still present. On RSPB Worth Marshes, there were five Canada Geese and two Ruffs.
Monday 30th
Intermittent rain showers were the main theme of the day though it remained relatively still. On the Green Wall, singles of Water Pipit and Water Rail were present with two of the former also on RSPB Worth Marshes, where a male Merlin also hawked over and late Redstart was present. A female Common Scoter was close-in offshore whilst a Firecrest and at least 16 Goldcrests were on the Estate.
Sunday 29th
The Jack Snipe was present on Restharrow Scrape in the morning and again just before dusk but remained difficult to spot. A Short-eared Owl flew north offshore whilst two Egyptian Geese flew over RSPB Worth Marshes.
Saturday 28th
A long session at Pegwell for the Great Kentish Bird off run by Bird Wise East Kent paid off as 84 species were seen despite the heavy rain. Two Pintails, 458 Wigeons, 41 Grey Plovers, 362 Dunlins, 284 Sanderlings, three Greenshanks, and singles of Eider, Kingfisher, and Sandwich Tern were present along with a myriad of other species.
Friday 27th
The secretive Jack Snipe was seen on Restharrow Scrape again, a Merlin flew over the Jubilee Field, and two Bullfinch were at the Observatory. There were also around 50 Lesser Redpolls on the Estate. Over on RSPB Worth marshes there were singles of Great White Egret and Water Pipit. There have been reports of Pallid Swifts in the vicinity this week so it's worth keeping one eye on the sky above.
Thursday 26th
Two Razorbills were sat on the sea and two Rock Pipits on the beach, with a light scattering of thrushes and Goldcrests inland on the Estate. Two Firecrests were the highlight plus a Cattle Egret on RSPB Worth marshes.
Wednesday 25th
There were Little Gulls on Restharrow Scrape and New Downs, with ten Bearded Tits seen again at the latter. A total of 15 Tree Sparrows were seen from the footpath that goes behind the asparagus fields (between Mary Bax and the Observatory) whilst at least 170 Swallows were still hawking over the fields with three very late Sand Martins.
For those who have not heard, our Treasurer is moving away from the area and so will be stepping down. We are interested in hearing from anyone who can take over the role. We have prepared a small manual to describe what is done and how it is done. Please contact treasurer@sbbot.org.uk if you think you might be able to help.
Tuesday 24th
Sea passage was good again with at least 23 Little Gulls, a handful of Brent Geese, Common Scoters, and Razorbills, a Pintail, and lots of Gannets. Flocks totalling 80 Siskins flew north and a Jack Snipe was on Restharrow Scrape.
Monday 23rd
Good numbers of Lesser Redpoll remained on the Estate with at least 200 present. There were still a number of Swallows around seven Little Gulls were offshore among some very close Gannets.
Sunday 22nd
Bird of the day was a PALLID HARRIER in Pegwell Bay in the morning. At least six were Bearded Tits on New Downs plus a late Greenshank, 103 Golden Plovers, and 430 Lapwings. A Kingfisher on the Estate was unusual and two Black Redstarts were at Sandilands, but the main talking point was the decent finch passage with at least 300 Siskins and 510 Lesser Redpolls.
Saturday 21st
There were 12 Little Gulls offshore and singles of Wheatear and Firecrest on the Estate.
Friday 20th
Early rain limited the capabilities but it was clear there were birds in. There were lots of Blackbirds around in particular. Five Firecrests were on the Estate and two Great White Egrets on Willow Farm, whilst vismig comprised at least 110 Siskins north and a very late Tree Pipit. Over in Pegwell Bay the regular Eider was still present. now among almost 300 Wigeons, whilst 31 Turnstones was a good count on the mud.
Thursday 19th
A Little Gull and small numbers of Pintail, Shoveler, and Wigeon moved past offshore, and a Merlin came in off. A Firecrest and a few Bramblings were on the Estate and five more Pintails in Pegwell Bay.
Wednesday 18th
Despite the blustery south-easterly it was a very productive morning. There had been a clear arrival of Goldcrests overnight with at least 40 on the Estate, plus two Firecrests. There were a further 23 Goldcrests and three Firecrests along the footpath from Mary Bax to the Chequers, with four Cattle Egrets in the field nearby and a Great White Egret on Willow Farm, whilst, amazingly, an immature LONG-TAILED SKUA flew through overhead heading south. To the north there were at least eight Bearded Tits in the Green Wall/New Downs river area whilst also on New Downs were a male Pintail, a Water Pipit, a Black Redstart, and a GREY PHALAROPE, the latter on the North Pool viewable distantly from the public footpath. At least six Wheatears were still in the Recording Area.
Thank you to everyone who came along to David Lindo's talk last week to support the purchase and redevelopment of the Dragonfly and Jubilee Fields. Our talk next Thursday evening (26th) is on the Birds of Morocco and presented by John Buckingham. Check out our full calendar of talks HERE.
Tuesday 17th
A quiet day that was saved by news of a Yellow-browed Warbler at the Pegwell Bay Hoverport.
Monday 16th
Hopes were high with low cloud, light rain, and north-easterly wind overnight and into the morning. There was not quite the fall of finches and thrushes as expected but still a good variety on offer. At least 60 Chaffinches, 29 Bramblings, 40 Goldfinches, 88 Siskins, 92 Lesser Redpolls, and 14 Reed Buntings flew north and 15 Fieldfares, 39 Blackbirds, seven Song Thrushes, and 21 Redwings were logged in the bushes. The most noteworthy record of the day was a Bittern which flew out of roost from Restharrow Scrape at dawn whilst a Great White Egret was also seen to fly north over the Estate. A Marsh Harrier flew out to sea, where 95 Brent Geese flew south, and singles of Wheatear and Firecrest were on the Estate. On RSPB Worth marshes the regular Great White Egret was joined by two Cattle Egrets and the Water Pipit was still present. Elsewhere, a Yellow-browed Warbler was seen briefly at Mary Bax, a Ring Ouzel on the Green Wall, and a Curlew Sandpiper in Pegwell Bay.
Sunday 15th
There was a real mix around the Recording Area. A Little Gull and an Arctic Tern were the best offshore with small numbers of Brent Geese and Shelducks also moving. Eight Bearded Tits and an Egyptian Goose were on New Downs whilst on the Estate a Brent Goose was on Royal St Georges Golf Course and 51 Lesser Redpolls moving around the Oasis. Singles of Spoonbill and Eider were in Pegwell Bay whilst four Wheatears and a Rock Pipit were at the Point, and four Crossbills flew north.
Saturday 14th
A northerly fresh breeze from first thing encouraged Siskins and Lesser Redpolls to move with totals of 75 and 55 recorded, respectively. A/the Great White Egret was seen flying over Willow Farm and a Water Pipit was on the pools on the other side of the railway. There were at least 20 Stonechats in the area, a Rock Pipit on Restharrow Scrape, a Wheatear on the beach, and four Common Sandpipers on the Green Wall.
Friday 13th
There were still plenty of Swallows around from yesterday, especially around the beach and Royal St George's Golf Course, and a handful of parties of Siskins doing their best to migrate north through the increasing windy and wet conditions. As the conditions deteriorated the sea-watching improved with singles of Pomarine Skua and Great Northern Diver the highlights, plus three Arctic Skuas, 16 Razorbills, and over 240 Gannets. Singles of Caspian and Yellow-legged Gull were in Pegwell Bay.
Thursday 12th
Thousands of Swallows came through over the Estate and the four Spoonbills remained on RSPB Worth marshes, along with 32 Mediterranean Gulls.
Wednesday 11th
A grey and calm morning that brought 50 Lesser Redpolls and a Brambling on the Estate. A Shag was a good find offshore whilst on RSPB Worth marshes the four Spoonbills and Little Stint remained.
As many of you will have noticed our Conservation Team have already been very busy this autumn working on Restharrow Scrape, Jubilee Field, and Dragonfly Field (and more). They look great but we are always on the lookout for more volunteers to help out. Our friendly team meets regularly twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays at 9 am, to tackle seasonal work from scrub clearance and grass cutting to fencing and path maintenance. Lots to do, lots to see, lots of fun! If you are interested please get in touch at info@sbbot.org.uk for details.
Tuesday 10th
The four Spoonbills and the Great White Egret remained on RSPB Worth marshes. At least two Bearded Tits were in the reedbed on the Green Wall (the first of the autumn), a Rock Pipit was on Restharrow Scrape, and a Jack Snipe on the Estate (also the first of the autumn).
Monday 9th
The Estate produced a scattering of winter thrushes (including our first Fieldfare of autumn), a Firecrest, two Rock Pipits, a Black Redstart, and 95 Chiffchaffs. There was some visible migration underneath the low cloud as 90 Siskins, 40 Lesser Redpolls, and 13 Reed Buntings moved through. Meanwhile a handful of Razorbills were offshore and a Merlin and four Spoonbills on RSPB Worth marshes.
Sunday 8th
There was a big arrival of birds from Scandinavia into the North-east of the UK. Kent managed to catch the edge of it and we were rewarded with two Ring Ouzels and a Brambling at Pegwell, another Ring Ouzel on RSPB Worth marshes (along with the Great White Egret and Little Stint), and the first Redwings on the Estate.
Thursday 5th
The Little Stint was still on RSPB Worth marshes and a late Swift flew over. A Great White Egret and a male Eider were in Pegwell Bay and just under 50 Chiffchaffs on the Estate, plus a Firecrest. Chaffinches, Greenfinches, and Lesser Redpolls are just starting to move through.
Wednesday 4th
There were 50+ each of Blackcap and Chiffchaff, handfuls of Siskins, and a nice male Redstart, all on the Estate whilst a head-scratching small wader on RSPB Worth marshes in the afternoon ultimately proved to be a Little Stint.
Monday 2nd
The calm and low cloud brought the first Skylark movement of the autumn. We should see this species moving in bigger numbers over the next few weeks. There was an arrival of ten Stonechats on the Estate and there were still three Whinchats around. The bushes held at least 66 Chiffchaffs which was not as high as the weekend but still notable. Five more Stonechats were on RSPB Worth marshes.
Sunday 1st
There was a major arrival of 200+ Chiffchaffs on the Estate, plus singles of both Spotted and Pied Flycatchers. Hundreds of House Martins moved through and in the evening 162 Ring-necked Parakeets flew over the Green Wall to roost.