Butterflies: June 2022
Monday 27th Next generation of Brown Argus emerging with one by the Cellars. Thursday 23rd Our first Comma in a few months was by the Little Elms. Peacock Caterpillars by H Willis Tuesday 21st The transect was busy with 83 Small/Essex Skippers, six Large Skippers, one Common Blue, six Red Admirals, nine Painted Ladies, three Small Tortoiseshells, one Peacock,…
Dragonflies: June 2022
Wednesday 29th The guided Dragonfly walk on Worth Marshes today was a great success and as soon as the sun burned through the clouds the Dragonflies performed spectacularly. Three Banded Demoiselles, three Red-eyed Damselflies, 40+ Blue-tailed Damselfies, two Variable Damselflies, three Emerald Damselflies, 13 Azure Damselflies and 20+ Common Blue Damselflies allowed excellent opportunities to provide lessons on identification. Dragonflies…
Birds: June 2022
Thursday 30th A calm and grey day. The two Wood Sandpipers remained on Worth. These next weeks should see them and other waders pick up in number. Common Sandpiper, in particular, will peak along the river at New Downs. Wednesday 29th A Greenshank was on Worth marshes first thing and a little later two Wood Sandpipers dropped in. There were…
SBBOT Diamond Jubilee
Celebrating Our Diamond Jubilee, 1962 To 2022 We were delighted to offer a number of walks, talks and events to celebrate this special occasion, all of which were FREE! We also celebrated this milestone by asking visitors to help paint a mural of some of the birds special to Sandwich Bay. Thank you to everyone who attended our celebrations on Sunday…
Other Taxa: July 22
Sandwich Bay has long been celebrated for its flora and fauna. This has been recognised in its designation as a SSSI and a Special Area of Conservation. There is still plenty to be discovered but recent studies of Hymenoptera and shield bugs for instance have revealed a number of rare and specialised species. Twenty plus species of shield bug, 18…
Flora: July 22
Sandwich Bay has long been recognised for its botanical interest. This was an important factor in the designation of the area as a SSSI, a Special Area of Conservation and the creation of a National Nature Reserve. There is a mosaic of habitats including Kent’s only ancient dune pasture. About 800 species have been recorded ranging from 90 species of…
Ringing: June 2022
June 30th Conclusive proof that activities associated with ringing are good for your health. One of our regular ring readers was by Sandwich Quayside and noticed a ringed Jackdaw. He got his camera out and sacrificed several chips in order to get photos clear enough to read all the ring. He then reported this on the BTO website and has…
Moths: June 2022
June 28th Although it was windy during the day it did drop but the sky was fairly clear and the temperature just stayed in double figures with a minimum of 10.5° C. There were just 115 moths of 40 species. Small Angle Shades is scarce here and so one was of note. A visitor had more joy adding Scallop Shell…
Birds: May 2022
Tuesday 31st The last day of the month saw a brief Great White Egret drop into Restharrow Scrape. A drake Pochard was new in on Worth where the ELEONORA’S FALCON and Red-footed Falcon continued. Eleonora’s Falcon by J.Dodds Monday 30th The activity was still mostly focused on Worth marshes where the ELEONORA’S FALCON and Red-footed Falcon continue to delight. Three Red Kites also flew over. There were lots…
Dragonflies: May 2022
Tuesday 31st The month came to a close with small numbers of Banded Demoiselles seen on Worth, plus the odd Emperor and Scarce Chaser being hoovered up by the Eleonora’s and Red-footed Falcons! Thursday 26th The day was spent surveying the pools on Prince’s Golf Course for the course manager. They are beginning to look very good with a decent…