Saturday 30th Today’s highlights included four Egyptian Geese which flew south over Prince’s Golf Course, a Firecrest on RSPB Worth marshes, and a Yellow-legged Gull in Pegwell Bay. Friday 29th There were still six Waxwings in Stonelees but the flock has become increasingly hard to see in the scrub, whilst the equally elusive Snow Bunting put in an appearance on…
Thursday 30th With the current temperature drop, the Recording Area was subject to a fine frost this morning. In Pegwell, a Great Northern Diver was present first thing, two Caspian Gulls were on the mud-flats and the Twite pair were still lingering near the Hoverport. Two White-fronted Geese flew north over RSPB Worth Marshes. A smart drake Velvet Scoter flew…
Thursday 29th It was a little milder today but still a bit breezy at times. A Firecrest was in it’s usual spot flitting between The Elms and Little Elms and three Water Pipits were on Worth marshes. There was still around 2,000 Lapwings too. An evening look at Pegwell Bay produced four Caspian Gulls and one Yellow-legged Gull in the…
Sunday 31st July seems to be the month that keeps giving regarding butterflies. A LONG-TAILED BLUE was in the Whitehouse area during the morning. Thursday 28th Our first Clouded Yellow of the year was at the Point. Wednesday 27th Today’s BMS Transect comprised three Small/Essex Skippers, one Large White, two Small Whites, two Small Coppers, four Brown Argus’, 13 Common…
Sunday 31st A few Willow Emerald Damselflies were around the Whitehouse in the evening. Tuesday 26th Migrant Hawkers had clearly emerged with 29 on New Downs around midday. Five Emperors and a Brown Hawker were also seen. Sunday 24th Our first Southern Migrant Hawker of the year was seen on the Estate, along with four Willow Emerald Damselflies. Thursday 21st…