Angela Weaving - Trustee

My interest in the natural world and animals started from a very young age. Whilst living in rural Northamptonshire as a child I spent many an hour watching wildlife. At this time, it was commonplace to see water vole, kingfisher, otter and newts in ponds. My love of birds was cemented from feeding a robin from the hand in the back garden.

I have lived both overseas and within the UK, finally settling in East Kent for the last 20 years. Initially worked in primary education, before deciding to follow my lifetime ambition of working in conservation. I achieved both my Batchelors and Masters Science degrees with the University of Kent qualifying as a Conservation Biologist. My research was on the population genetics on Peregrine Falcons, which is now published in the Journal of Conservation Genetics.

Water Vole by Angela Weaving

My first employment in this field was as an ecologist surveying for protective species. This was followed by my teaching career as a Science Lecturer at Hadlow College and currently I am a lecturer of Animal Management at Canterbury College teaching wildlife ecology and conservation management.
I am very passionate about connecting young adults with nature as part of my role at Canterbury College I facilitate practical activities with students. Activities such as, moth trapping, pond dipping, habitat, and bird surveying.

My connection with SBBOT came about from attending their annual open weekend, where I met Ian and the ring team. From this I joined as a member and became part of the ringing team as a trainee. Something I enjoy doing immensely.

Broad-bodied Chaser by Angela Weaving
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